Advising and Counseling Center


Advising and Counseling Services at TRCC

Advisors are available to assist you!


Sign up for courses to complete your degree, transfer to another college, or personal or professional development.  We are here to help.







Academic Success Resources

Don’t let depression isolate you! Stay Connected video 

Contact Information

Phone: (860) 215-9017
Fax: 860-215-9906
Location: Room A-113
Hours: Email and request a virtual or in-person meeting with an advisor.

Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their assigned advisors for academic needs. Assigned advisors can be found in MyCommnet under the Student Records>Student Information>Term>Primary Advisor. Contact information such as email and phone numbers and office hours can be found under the Academic header, drop down list “Faculty” at the top of this page. Advisor contact information is also available through the Welcome Center.

Advising and Student Services at TRCC

Attending college is an exciting and challenging experience for students. So much is new: courses, people, learning and future opportunities. Along with the exciting, new experiences often come a variety of unexpected experiences. Whether a first-time, returning, or transfer student, there are often challenges to be managed: personal and family life, academics, time, and financial constraints. The Advising and Counseling Center supports students during their college journey.

Staffed with dedicated professionals, the Advising and Counseling Center offers a full range of academic and personal support services. Counselors and staff work in conjunction with faculty to foster student growth and success. Services in the Center help students clarify and establish meaningful academic, career or personal goals and help them build and implement action plans to fulfill their goals. One-on-one, workshops, assessments and special groups support students as they sort through competing interests and needs to achieve these goals.

Services of the Center focus on: