Sexual Misconduct Resources and Education
If you fear for your safety, please call 911 right away for emergency service. If you need immediate and confidential help, please call: The Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut Hotline: (888) 999-5545 or the Safe Futures Hotline: (888) 774-2900.
You have rights. You have choices. You have advocates.
These web pages are intended to provide all members of the Three Rivers Campus Community with resources to help better understand what sexual misconduct is, and what can be done if you or someone you know has suffered from any of its forms.
How Reports Are Resolved
All reports of sexual misconduct involving students are resolved through the process described in The Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct. The Office of Student Development and Services, in conjunction with the Title IX Coordinator, is responsible for the resolution of these claims.
The outcome may depend on many factors, especially your own preferences. This page will help you to understand your options and the steps involved in the process.
If you are an employee, please contact Louise Summa, the Director of Human Resources, or your union representative for more information on the resolution options available.
Resolution Flow Chart
For a brief summary of the process, please review this flow chart describing the different paths for resolution.
The Three Steps of Resolution
The process can be understood in the three steps that will occur in most cases. The pages linked below describe each step in greater detail.
Choosing a Resolution |
Investigating the Claim
Sanctions for Offenders
This page describes the primary options available to those who come forward to the College for help.
This page describes the process the College follows to assemble evidence and witness testimony related to a report.
This page describes the possible consequences for students found responsible for sexual misconduct, and how those consequences are applied.
Resolution Procedure
The detailed CSCU Resolution Procedure can be found here.
Board of Regents Policies
To review the Board of Regents’ complete academic misconduct policies, including those on hearings, please visit the General Board Polices section of the Policies page.