Latest Past Events

Black History Month Book Spread

TRCC Library 574 New London Turnpike, Norwich

In celebration of Black History Month, we are honoring inspirational and successful authors of color in the week of February 6th-February 10th. Stop by the library, C119, for your chance to win a free book from our Black History Book Spread Raffle!

Club Carnival

TRCC Multipurpose Room F117

We’re back with one of our most popular events of the year, Club Carnival! Join us in the Multi-Purpose Room, room F117, from 12-3:00 p.m. on February 2 for a day filled with fun activities, prizes, free food, and interactive games! You DON’T want to miss this one!

Closets are for Clothes

Main Lobby CT

Interested in showing your pride and learning how to be a better ally? Come join us for Closets are for Clothes! Get pronoun pins, pride stickers, and enter a trivia contest where you can guess how many closets are on campus.